The present government once again has decided to through the stumbling economy of Pakistan under heavy pressure of loans. This government is already borrowing a huge amount of Dollars from IMF and trying to involve the young innocent chaps into a vicious circle of Loan Scheme.
Now consider the stance of present Nawaz's government that this loan amount will generate economic activity in the country and serve the individual in up-lifting their standard of livings. But the government's claim is nothing but to cheat the unemployed youngsters. The intention and medium used in sanctioning this loan amount is very ridicules.
When Loan Scheme Works:
We will discuss here in short that when & what kind of economy such like Loan Scheme would succeed;
- In an economy where a developed industrial infrastructure is already in operation, because small & medium size loan channelize the demand of big industrial units. The amount involved here is very meager and no one could start a reasonable business except establishing a barber shop, beauty clinic, a grocery shop, a welder shop, a puncture mending shop and so on.
- The economy of Pakistan depends upon cultivated land and about 65% of population is already engaged with cultivation and there is no need of further experimentation. Now question arises here regarding the usage of Loan Amount. Is it not possible for a loan seeker to use the debt amount in agricultural purposes. The answer is no, he cannot do that because....(detail will be given in next feature) Cont........